Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Real Milk from a Real Man

Coming from the dairy industry, I think I know what milk is all about and what it should consist of. The industry of course, has made countless changes like any other industry in the world today, but basically, the cow still produces the same milk. The same butterfat, the same protein, and the same lactose. Granted there are a few growth hormones thrown in for good measure, but then there are a few extras in everything we consume today.

But really, where has the industry gone wrong? We went from glass to cardboard and then to plastic. What would you rather drink out of? And what will be next?

When I was a kid back on the prairies, the milk man stopped and actually delivered personally, milk in glass bottles. There was the full fat milk which really was milk and not this blue looking skim slop they serve today. And the chocolate milk was incredible. It was rich and dark and it tasted so good. Today it is runny, plastic looking and tasting and has so many extras in it that if I told you them all - you would head right for the commode !!

Down here in the south, the milk does not last. It does not matter what you do, it goes bad before the date that they stamp on it. And really, what does it matter because even if it borders on the good - chances are it will taste like cheap liquid plastic.

Such progress we have made !!!!


  1. I still buy the carton milk..not usually ever the plastic. Tash and I always said we could taste the plastic in the milk and I still think that now. Remember when I used to drink evaporated milk in my cereal...yum so creamy.

  2. I have converted to plastic. But only from Safeway. For some reason the Safeway plastic milk doesn't have that super plastic taste to it. I tried it from Superstore. Disgusting plastic taste. Wal Mart? Same disgusting taste. I'm sure it must just be in my head because what could be different about the Safeway milk?! Anyways, my reason was that we were going through milk like crazy and it really is cheaper to buy the 4L jug instead of 2 2L cartons.
