Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Price of Junk

I have no problem admitting that I am a complete junk food addict. A day is not complete without candy of some sort. As I get older, I find that I am not even as fussy as I used to be. I will eat almost anything as long as it is technically called junk food. What an oxymoron when you think of it. Junk and food really do not belong in the same sentence.

We had lots of access to junk food when we were growing up. In my previous post you found out how much I like licorice. Of course that was only the beginning. I loved chocolate bars and chips and pop, so there was never any problem getting our hands on that stuff. The local Co-op grocery store did a pretty good job keeping everything in stock.

Hard to believe, but a quarter would buy you a good size bag of chips, a chocolate bar and a bottle of pop. Now I know a quarter was a lot in those days, but to be honest, that was a nice shot of junk food. We always knew to dig in the couch cushions for any spare change that might of fell out of Dad's pants when he took a nap.

Here in 2010, it takes a good 5 dollar bill to really get the sugar and salt buzz that I need. Health wise, I have had to slow down. But every time I put a chip in my mouth, I never forget where my roots came from. The candy selection at the Co-op store in Waseca.


  1. 5 bucks doesn't go very far to satisfy a junk craving, that's for sure. Especially if you go to the convenience store...a slush, bag of chips, 5 cent candies and a chocolate bar very rarely add up to less than 5 bucks. But ahhh...all the makings for a perfect meal!

  2. A true perfect meal. I say a day is not complete without a treat. It's a rip off. Thank goodness I have a whole box of chocolates to help me out ;) Those are coming to an end soon though...already I know!
