Saturday, December 12, 2009

Where Am I?

I am not sure why, but I was born in the middle of nowhere. Oh sure, there was a hospital but in those days it wasn't exactly a science centre. A little white building besides the railroad tracks. It looked like a school but it only had mad white nurses running around with large hypodermic needles, anxious to stick somebody. The Doctor delivered everybody and anybody and I wouldn't doubt that he delivered the odd calf if the veterinarian got caught up at the bar. He had the bedside manners of a wounded beast and was not scared to bare the odd fang or two. But who was to argue? He was the main guy and there wasn't another hospital for at lest 40 miles. He was the main man. There was no choice, no alternative like today where you can shop for a Doctor like a pair of pants. Apparently I came out kicking and screaming but then who wouldn't when you were about to find out that they were taking you to a seemingly deserted farm in the abyss.

Oh it was indeed the abyss. They called it a farm. I still have no idea what they were farming. I don't remember anything that lived on that farm. Just dirt and more dirt. Maybe the odd bird in the trees or an anthill. An old house, actually it was more like a converted grain bin that had been renovated and of course I use that word loosely !! It was a place that everybody wanted to go to, no power, no self contained heat, no bathroom and certainly no running water. The wind whistled through the cracks and there wasn't such a thing as a telephone. It felt good to be born into paradise. I felt special. It was going to be a great beginning to my life, a character building experience that one could only be part of in the prairies of Western Canada. I would grow up to be tough and independent and know how much backbone it took to look for the outhouse in a snowstorm. They brought me home around Sept 21, 1957. My life began and through these musings I will relate my experiences and culture as I know it.


  1. I'm really excited you're doing this as I'm sure I will learn things I never knew about you before!


  2. I agree with Tash. So many cool things I'm just waiting to hear!
